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Warehouse Students

Warehouse 242 believes graduating from high school is the beginning, not the end, of a life with God. Therefore, we want to equip students with what they need to continue becoming fully alive with God (John 10:10) throughout their entire lives. That’s why our mission is to disciple students to…

(1) encounter the Living God

(2) grow toward maturity

(3) respond with faithful living


Formation Events are the primary way we seek to enact our mission. We offer age-appropriate opportunities, primarily on Sundays throughout the school year.

>> Middle School Students (6th-8th grade) meet every Sunday (except the first Sunday of the month) during our Service in the Student Room.

>> High School Students (9th-12th grade) gather most Sundays after service to hang out, share, and practice how to follow God.

>> Profession of Faith Class (9th-12th grade) meets in the Fall for those students interested in baptism or confirmation.

To get plugged in or learn more, email our student ministry leaders.


Warehouse Students regularly partner with various organizations around Charlotte, the nation, and our world to support initiatives of mission and justice. Whether through clean-up days, running camps, or learning about various social disparities, we strive to mobilize and engage students in the Spirit’s work in the world.


Warehouse Students typically gather once a month for a time to have fun. From movie nights to laser tag to games in the dark, we believe that one of the best ways to create community and express creativity is through play and fun together.


Students are invited to join us when they are rising 6th graders through 12th grade. Generally, Middle School ministry is for students grades 6-8, while High School is for students grades 9-12, though we make exceptions! We care more about relationships than grades!

Sunday gatherings happen most weeks! Middle School meets every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month, and High School meets every Sunday except on holiday or 3-day weekends. Email our student ministry director for specific times.

Warehouse Students is led by a team of excellent volunteers. Our volunteer leaders love engaging with adolescents and have been trained to serve as mentors. Every volunteer has been trained and has gone through a background check.

As Warehouse Students continues to grow, the opportunity to pour into the lives of young people continues to abound. If you want to impact lives and learn more about serving, email our student ministry director.


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