Adult Spiritual Formation
Our God is a communal God who reigns and exists as Father, Son and Spirit. Our God, full of grace and mercy, invites us, His very special creation, into a relationship with Him. We have been given this incredible opportunity to commune with Him and to grow deeper in this relationship.
God also invites us into connection with one another. Our faith journey is not a solo venture, it is a communal one. We are formed as we seek to live in Jesus and in His ways together. Because we know that finding connection and relationships is not a one size fits all process, we offer a variety of ways for adults to connect and grow at Warehouse.

Marriage and Parenting
Join us for one of our Rooted Families classes – a space for parents to learn, question, collaborate, and share together about different topics to enrich your marriage and equip you as parents.
You can find more details and register for our current opportunities on our events page.
Have a question about parenting? Email [email protected].
Have a question about our marriage ministry? Email [email protected]

Warehouse Women
From social gatherings to short-term groups as well as our annual spring women’s retreat, there are a variety of opportunities for connection and growth for women at Warehouse.
Whether you are single or married, young or older, we desire to be a community where women can be known and experience belonging.
Details on our current opportunities can be found on our events page.
Have a question? Email [email protected]

Warehouse Men
Warehouse Men exists for the men in our community to connect with God and each other. From social gatherings to short-term groups as well as our annual fall men’s retreat, we offer a variety of ways to share life and grow together.
Whether you are single or married, younger or older, there is a place for you to connect and be known at Warehouse.
Have a question? Email [email protected]

Small Groups
Throughout the city, we gather in small groups. These groups are a collection of 10-14 people who regularly gather to eat, laugh, pray, read scripture, and serve.
A small group is a place to find life, explore faith, and grow together.
We launch new groups once or twice a year, stay tuned for more information!

Learning Cohorts + Short-term groups
In keeping with the co-horticultural tradition, cohorts are:
- a group of people banded together as a group.
- a group of allies. supporters, and companions.
- a group where everyone brings something to the table.
These groups are short-term offerings throughout the year to help us grow in our understanding of God, ourselves, and our faith in action as we engage in the world. Information and registration for our current Cohorts can be found on our events page. Have more questions? Email [email protected]

Rest + Return Retreats
Rest + Return is a half day retreat offered a couple of times a year at Warehouse for men and women to participate in corporate and individual times of contemplative spiritual practices.
We value creating the space for our community to pause and seek God in intentional silence and solitude and guided contemplative spiritual practices.
We believe the rest we experience in pausing like this refreshes and recenters us to return to our everyday ordinary lives more aware and attentive to the everyday presence of God.

Affinity Groups
We believe all of life is sacred and holds opportunity for spiritual formation. Affinity groups are a way to connect with others around a shared interest (be it reading, writing, cooking, gardening, etc.). Check out our events page for the next gathering.
These are our current affinity groups:
Warehouse Running Club
Join fellow W242 runners for a monthly group run on the first Saturday of the month! The plan is to meet at 7:15-7:30 am at the East Blvd entrance to Freedom Park, and be ready to run by 7:40. The route is a 3-mile “Booty Loop.” All paces welcome!
Writing Group
Our Writing Group meets quarterly to provide a place of encouragement, support, and practice for writers of all levels in our community.